Association of Arab Universities
The Association of Arab Universities is a non-governmental organization that has an independent legal character. Its membership includes 223 Arab Universities at the present time. AARU aims at assisting and coordinating efforts of Arab universities to prepare capable persons who can serve their communities and preserve its unified culture and civilization, as well as to assist in developing its natural resources. The Association seeks to achieve the several goals including working to make Arab universities remain faithful and committed to the values inherent in the faith of Islam and its noble message, and to give due attention to the Arab and Islamic heritage. In addition, AARU strives to make Arabic language the medium of instruction at Arab universities, and paying attention to other vital languages, as well as unifying scientific terms and translation in general. Website.
collapse  Association of Arab Universities
Sultan Abu-Orabi Al-Adwan

​Professor Sultan Abu-Orabi Al-Adwan received his PhD in Organic Chemistry from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA in 1982, his  MSc in Chemistry,  Western Michigan University, USA in 1977, and his BSc in Chemistry from University of Jordan, Jordan in 1973. He was President of Yarmouk University, Jordan, in the period 2009–2011, President of Tafila Technical University, Jordan, 2005–2009, President of Irbid National University, Jordan, 2002–2005 and was elected Secretary General of Association of Arab Universities in 2011. Professor Abu-Orabi was also President of Arab Union of Chemists,  Secretary General of Arab Union of Chemists  and President of Jordanian Chemical Society, 2000–Present. He has published over 125 papers and 5 books.

​May Wahbeh

holds a B.Sc in English Literature and German Language. She is the Director of the Secretariat General of AARU. She is responsible for the administrative, scientific and cultural affairs. She is also responsible for enhancing relations with regional and international organizations. She manages communications between all members of the Association.